In 2010, the discovery of a small tributary canal in Gallery Menezes, which was interrupted by a semi-siphon with strong winds, indicated a point with a possible continuity of Santana Cave (Cave of Roncador, Krone 1909).

On May 1st 2014, we achieved the transposition of this semi-siphon confirming our suspicion. We discovered, explored and mapped a conduct of 65 meters called Conduit Spark. With the addition of this new conduit, Cave Santana reaches a development of 8540 meters (Horizontal Projection – plant).

Links: – Conduto Faísca, nova descoberta na Caverna de Santana. Desenvolvimento alcança 8.540 metros.) – Breve relato GPME: PETAR, Feriado de 1° de Maio de 2014 (Galeria de fotos)

Release date : 01/05/2014
Club / structure : Grupo Pierre Martin de Espeleologia