Original titile: Giornata Nazionale della Speleologia “Pulire il buio” Pozzo Mattioli Gropada (TS)
Trieste, 03 Oct 2015
The National Days of Speleology, promoted throughout the country by the Italian Speleological Society (SSI), saw in action about thirty expert cavers engaged in a radical operation of cleaning of the Mattioli Well, at Gropada (on the Triestine Karst). A large cavity (still mapped at the beginning of the twentieth century by Eugenio Boegan, the naturalist who was responsible for the birth of the Grotte Cadastre not only of Venezia Giulia but also at a national level) which over the years has become a landfill and illegal deposit of all kinds of waste.
Dozens of cubic meters of waste material were collected by volunteers, as underlined by the Councilor for the Environment of Friuli Venezia Giulia Sara Vito and to the Regional Councilor Giulio Lauri, Furio Premiani, president of the FVG Regional Speleological Federation, an association that collects 24 caving groups active in the region.